Guidelines for Making Final Assignments

Guidelines for Making Final Assignments

All University of Indonesia students from all levels of education must make a Final Assignment as a condition for completing their education. The Final Project includes but is not limited to Reports, Bachelor Thesis (Skripsi), Thesis, and Dissertation. In accordance with the SK Rektor No. 628 / SK / R / UI / 2008, which regulates “Pedoman Teknis Penulisan Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia,” students must follow the guidelines which have been determined through the Chancellor’s Decree without reducing the uniqueness of each faculty.

This guideline explains how to write Final Assignments that includes: Format of Final Project Writing, Reference List, and List of Attachments. With the existence of this writing guideline, it is expected that there will be uniformity in the final assignment made by students throughout the level at UI.

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