The Management Department of FEB UI Held Data Analysis Training Using R


The Management Department of FEB UI Held Data Analysis Training Using R


Nino Eka Putra ~ PR FEB UI

DEPOK – (15-16/9/2021) Lecturer of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI), Sigit Sulistiyo Wibowo, Ph.D., became a speaker in the Data Analysis Training Using R, which was guided by Wahyu Jatmiko, a Lecturer of the Department Management of FEB UI, on Wednesday-Thursday (15-16/9/2021).

This training was intended for the Management Department of FEB UI, including lecturers and S-2 and S-3 students. Seeing the enthusiasm of the 130 participants who registered, the training was held for two days. On the first day, 70 participants attended the training and on the second day 57 participants attended.

In his presentation, Sigit Sulistiyo Wibowo explained that the R software was a development of the S language by John Chamber and his colleagues at AT and T Bell Labs in the late 1970s and early 1980s. R is often referred to as ‘GNU S’ which is an open source application licensed under the GNU general public license (GPL 2). Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka (University of Auckland) initiated the development of R.

R software can be downloaded for free and is available on any platform (Mac, PC, Linux) and also through R studio in a web browser. This means we have access to R whenever and wherever we need it. R has advantages such as producing high-quality images for publication, various useful plots are easy to produce, assists in efficient and effective processing of data for statistical analysis, produces reproducible research, and provides precise records of how the analysis was carried out.

In addition, R is always up to date. There are many packages available that automate certain tasks. R can be used in programming languages ​​(such as Python) or in scripting environments for data analysis. Therefore, R is widely used in academic research and gaining market share in the industry.

The basic steps that we can know when we want to learn R, namely the R console (first screen when opening R), can be used as a calculator, understanding variables and assignment of data, processing data in the form of vectors and frames, functions and scripts, installation and loading packages, opening and reading data, working directory, R studio projects, and clean workspaces.

Meanwhile, if we want to visualize data in R, we can use 3 basic graphs, namely (1) histogram, density plots, bar plots used to display the distribution of continuous and discrete variable values; (2) boxplots are used to display the distribution of values ​​for continuous variables or more closely with robust statistical descriptions and are treated as separate classes; (3) scatterplots are used to display bivariate data or the relationship between two variables. Usually used in the case of two continuous variables, but can also be used though with additional modifications, when one discrete variable is 3.
