Towards a World Class BPS  (Central Statistics Bureau), Thought of 10 Statistics Academics and Practitioners in Indonesia


Towards a World Class BPS  (Central Statistics Bureau)Thought of 10 Statistics Academics and Practitioners in Indonesia


Hana Fajria – Public Relations of FEB UI

Depok – (26/09/2020) September 26 is National Statistics Day (HSN). Celebrating HSN aims to increase public awareness on the importance of statistics, increasing public participation in statistics and encouraging statistics players to continue to carry out statistical activities in accordance with applicable rules. At this event, various views on statistics in general and BPS in particular were conveyed by academics and statistics practitioners.

Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., Deputy Dean I of FEB UI, one of the speakers at this event, conveyed his perspectives in the field of education, challenges, hopes and future work, towards a world-class BPS. For Teguh, BPS Quality of Data is credible and representative through continuous improvements in data and information presentation, easier access, and quality assurance. Teguh explained, in terms of up to date data and methods, BPS will always face the challenges of the times because the data will always be compared with big data and real time data. Teguh views that the driver of the quality of BPS has good with the commitment, openness, fearless creativity, and stakeholder engagement.

Due to the different needs and expectations from the world of education, data on human behavior is necessary, such as the need for macro and micro data (quasi-experiment or natural experiment), a combination of household micro data (Susenas), longitudinal research needs, nightlight combinations (sky data) and earth data (BPS data) as well as a combination of de facto data (big data / online) and de jure data (BPS) data, interlinked BPS data, as well as underutilized primary data for research purposes, such as agricultural, economic and other raw data census, instead of just aggregate data.

“Hopefully, BPS as a source of data will educate the nation. BPS must become the engine of knowledge creation, from data collection to the driver of knowledge creation, BPS encourages evidence-based policies and scientific publications with BPS open access data. BPS also needs data and documentation to record and publish scientific papers based on BPS data and being able to display the data stock of knowledge. Last but not least, with “idea festival” we can explore unique ideas in using BPS data. ” Teguh concluded.

To become a world-class BPS, of course, there are many things that need to be transformed. We certainly expect that various keen and insightful thoughts from the speakers can become an input for BPS to improve its performance in the future. (Hjtp)
