Strengthening Government Administration, the Minister of Trade Inaugurates Middle Level Officials  and Primary Level Officials


Strengthening Government Administration, the Minister of Trade Inaugurates Middle Level Officials  and Primary Level Officials

Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI

DEPOK – (7/8/2020) Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Sidharta Utama, S.E., MBA., Ph.D., has been appointed by the Minister of Trade for the position of Echelon I official, as Head of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency. The following is the news that we quote from

“Strengthening Government Administration, the Minister of Trade Inaugurates Middle Level Officials and Primary Level Officials”

The Minister of Trade, Agus Suparmanto, inaugurates a number of Middle Level Officials and Primary Level Officials in the Ministry of Trade, today, Friday (7/8) in Jakarta. This inauguration is to optimize the organization in strengthening governance to achieve the strategic goals of the Ministry of Trade.

“This inauguration supports the implementation of the achievement of national targets within the Ministry of Trade and one of the bureaucratic reform programs carried out to fill the vacant Primary LevelPosition (JPT) as previous officials have retired,” said the Trade Minister.

The Trade Minister explained that the filling  of this Primary Level  has gone through an open selection process. In addition, the mutation of the Primary Level Officials is also to refresh the organization in order to improve the overall performance of the ministry.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government is required to continue to provide optimal public services. Despite working schedules at the office and at home, the Ministry of Trade is still determined to provide maximum service to the people,” the Trade Minister added.

This inauguration consisted of four Primary Level Officials  (Echelon I) and three Middle Level Officials  (Echelon II).

The inaugurated Echelon I officials are:

  1. Drs. Syailendra, M.M., as Director General of Domestic Trade,
  2. Drs. Didi Sumedi, MBA., As Director General of Foreign Trade,
  3. Didid Noordiatmoko, Ak., M.M., as Inspector General,
  4. Prof. Sidharta Utama, S.E., MBA., Ph.D., as Head of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency.

Meanwhile, the inaugurated Echelon II officials are:

  1. Ir. Johni Martha, ACCS, MBA., As Secretary of the Directorate General of Domestic Trade,
  2. Luther Palimbong, S.E., M.Si., as Director of Export of Industrial and Mining Products,
  3. Dra. Merry Maryati, MSc., As Director of Export and Import Facilitation.

In his remarks, the Minister of Trade emphasized that officials should always remember the oaths made at the time of inauguration and be thoughtful in carrying out their work as the positions are a given mandate. For those who are unable to demonstrate optimal performance according to the given mandate and responsibility, the necessary actions will be taken.

“Officials and all employees of the Ministry of Trade are expected to be able to maintain cohesiveness, synergy, professionalism, and continue to innovate in carrying out their duties,” concluded the Trade Minister.

