These are Assessment Strategies for Promoting Lecturers’ Academic Position in FEB UI


These are Assessment Strategies for Promoting Lecturers’ Academic Position in FEB UI


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – Professional development and career of lecturers from aspects of academic positions and ranks in a planned manner so that lecturers experience an increase in levels ranging from Expert Assistants, Head Associates, Professors, ranks ranging from the ranks of Young Stylists to First Level Trustees, and spatial groups from III/c, IV/a, IV/b, IV/c, IV/d, IV/e.

It is estimated that a lecturer enters the UI at the age of 24/27 years with a level of education equivalent to a Masters & the first appointment in an academic position as an expert assistant after 2-4 years of work, has a promotion between 2-4 years for each level of academic position, and has 4 years graduated from the Doctoral Program so at the age between 38 & 55 years it is expected that a lecturer can reach the title of Professor / Professor

DGB-UI Regulation No. 001/PER/DGB-UI/2015 confirms that assessments made for academic promotion or lecturer ranks are not only determined by their performance & responsibilities as lecturers as seen from the fulfillment of credit numbers. Assessment is also carried out on the personal qualities of lecturers which include integrity, ethics, and manners of lecturers in carrying out their duties based on the UI Code of Conduct & Academic Community Behavior Code established by DGB UI.

In addition, the assessment is also viewed from two sides, namely academic prerequisites in accordance with DGB-UI Regulation Number 001 / PER / DGB-UI / 2015 & RI Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 92 of 2014 & referring to PO 2019, and non-academic according to the Regulations UI Chancellor Number 14 of 2019 & DGB UI Decree Number 002/KEP/DGB-UI/2016 shows a list of facts & UI Rector Decree Number 2719/SK/R/UI/2018 established indicators of Key Behavior of UI Cultural Values.

So, to provide detailed information to lecturers in the promotion of academic positions, the Faculty of Economics and Business held a Guidance and Sharing on Evaluation & Proposing Guidelines for Head Lecturers and Professors at the University of Indonesia which took place in the Prof. MR. Djokosoetono, Dean Building, on Wednesday (02/13/2020).

This activity was opened by remarks from Acting. The Dean of FEB UI, Beta Yulianita Gitaharie, said that the profile of the FEB UI lecturer should be encouraged in terms of academic promotion. Indeed, in terms of distribution, FEB UI is still widely published by lecturers and expert assistants and a small number are in the Lector, Lector Head and Professor. We must encourage lecturers to be promoted to the position of accreditation criteria.

Presentation from the University of Indonesia Professor (DGB UI)

Coordinator of the Committee for Promotion and Demotion 5 DGB UI, Heru Suhartanto said that in terms of enthusiasm, many FEB UI lecturers wanted the process of academic promotion both the Head Lecturer and Professor. With the existence of this new operational guideline, the submission faces obstacles. However, looking at the quality of lecturers and students at FEB UI is not an obstacle to making an international publication that can be used as promotion for the position of Head Professor / Professor.

“Strategies to be promoted to an academic position include reading the requirements stated by the Directorate of Higher Education operational guidelines, both general and specific, including specific categories of reputable International Journals and how publications can be included in the reputed International Journal category. In addition, looking at the completeness of a publication, because so far there have been several candidates who experience value cuts due to their ignorance of the form of books can be claimed as research results, “said Heru Suhartanto.

He continued, based on existing data that the book written was not the result of research and only reviewed some of the concepts in the literature then rewritten for use in teaching. This is not included in the research category. “To be productive, it is necessary to increase cooperation among lecturers in terms of collaborative research so as to produce an interesting combination of publications because there are ideas / input to produce an international journal,” Heru concluded in his presentation.

Then, Member of the Committee 5 Promotion and Demotion Board of the UI Professor, Usman Sumo Friend Tambunan added that to become a DGB UI, the minimum working period is 10 to 20 years. Guiding 10 Doctoral students (S-3) counted as long as they have been lecturers at UI.

‘We have applied to students at FMIPA for the Undergraduate Program that they must produce 1 article at least Q4. On the one hand, there are currently no functional positions but are replaced by academic positions to glorify the name. In addition, similarity / reference makes us innovate, one of which they try not to visit where visitation is, because actually the engine from Turnitin can trace against acts of plagiarism,” said Usman.

Sharing Session from FEB UI’s Professor Council Representative at once the Chair of the UI Academic Senate

DGB FEB UI at once the Chair of the UI Academic Senate, Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi shared the experience that FEB UI has great lecturers, but lack of intention to take care of academic promotions. Based on the experience that I will not be promoted to become a Professor if I do not want to move. Therefore, I had to initiate and start myself to take care of an academic promotion.

“Basically, for lecturers who want to advance in academic positions, they must start and initiate themselves. In addition, regarding the collection of lecturer credit numbers or commonly called KUM if it has every activity it must be continuously uploaded in Sipeg. Therefore, the KUM, if needed at the time, will be beautiful in time,” he concluded. (Des)