Anda Dwiharyadi Researched Agency Problems in the Procueement of Goods and Services in Local Government Performance


Anda Dwiharyadi Researched Agency Problems in the Procueement of Goods and Services in Local Government Performance


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – Postgraduate Program in Accounting in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session of Your Doctoral Promotion Dwiharyadi (1506771155) which took place at the Postgraduate Auditorium, Postgraduate Building, Friday (10/1/2020).

The Doctoral Promotion Session was chaired by Prof. Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi, Ph.D., with supervisor, Hilda Rossieta, Ph.D. (Promoter), Dr. Chaerul D. Djakman (Co-Promoter 1), and Prof. Dr. Bambang Pamungkas (Co-Promoter 2). As the testing team, Dr. Darminto (Chief Examiner), Dr. Dyah Setyaningrum, Dr. Binsar Hamonangan Simanjuntak, Dr. Rr. Trisacti Wahyuni, and Dr. Djoni Hartono.

The dissertation raised by Promovendus, entitled “Agency Issues in Procurement of Goods / Services and Their Effects on Local Government Performance”. Size / value and complexity are two of the main problems found in the procurement of goods / services to local governments in Indonesia. In addition to encouraging optimal performance, the value of goods / services procurement expenditure can also open up opportunities for moral hazard.

Likewise, the level of complexity of the procurement of goods / services where there are contradictory arguments about the impact of the complexity of the procurement of goods / services. This study aims to examine the effect of the size / value of procurement and the complexity of the procurement of goods / services on the performance of local governments and state losses. This study also developed an index of the complexity of the procurement of goods / services that refers to previous research and existing regulations.

“Analytical Hierarchy Process is applied to obtain logical consistency in determining the priority of elements from the level of complexity. This research was conducted on local governments in Indonesia for the period 2015-2016. By using limited dependent variable regression models,” said Anda Dwiharyadi.

In addition, this study found that the value of procurement of goods / services not only had a positive effect on the performance of local governments but also had a positive effect on state losses. “While the complexity of the procurement of goods / services has a positive effect on the performance of local government performance and negatively affects state losses,” he added.

“The results of this study indicate that in addition to being used to encourage the achievement of optimal local government performance, the magnitude of the value of goods / services procurement can also be used as a medium for taking moral hazard actions. While not so the results shown by the level of complexity of the procurement of goods / services,” he concluded.

Thus, the Board of Leadership of the open session of doctoral promotion decided, you Dwiharyadi (1506771155) was declared to graduate with the title of Very Satisfactory and succeeded in getting his 70th Doctorate in Accounting. Congratulations to Dr. Anda Dwiharyadi! (Des)