Klaster Riset

Economic Policy and Impact Evaluation

(Economic Policy and Impact Evaluation)

Ketua Klaster

Rus’an Nasrudin, Ph.D.

Deskripsi Klaster

The Economic Policy and Impact Evaluation (EPEI) research cluster focuses on quantitative economic policy impact analysis topics. The primary purpose of developing research topics in this cluster is to accumulate hard or empirical solid evidence for calculating economic efficiency. The quantitative analysis approach that is carried out prioritizes causal inference techniques or impact evaluation econometrics, both experimental and non-experimental. In addition, the microsimulation-based impact evaluation approach is also the focus of the cluster approach. Socio-economic topics that have been and are being studied by cluster members include migration, health, employment, social capital, food security, social security systems, and the political economy of local government.

Klaster riset Economic Policy and Impact Evaluation (EPEI) berfokus pada topik-topik penelitian analisis dampak kebijakan ekonomi secara kuantitatif. Tujuan utama pengembangan topik riset dalam kluster ini adalah berkontribusi pada akumulasi hard evidence atau bukti empiris yang kuat untuk penghitungan efisiensi ekonomi. Pendekatan analisis kuantitatif yang dilakukan mengedepankan penggunaan teknik causal inference atau ekonometrika evaluasi dampak baik eksperimental maupun non-eksperimental. Selain itu pendekatan evaluasi dampak berbasis microsimulation juga menjadi fokus pendekatan kluster. Topik sosial ekonomi yang telah dan sedang menjadi obyek studi anggota kluster meliputi migrasi, kesehatan, ketenagakerjaan, modal sosial, ketahanan pangan, sistem jaminan sosial, dan ekonomi politik pemerintahan daerah.

Kegiatan Klaster/Cluster Activities, yang telah dilaksanakan tahun 2021 dan rencana tahun 2022

In 2021, the research cluster had some internal sessions of seminars and a reading session. On May 10, 2021, the research cluster head, Rus’an Nasrudin presented his research finding on the topic of “Revisiting Happiness-energy Paradox: An Empirical Evidence of Electricity Access in Indonesia”. On June 4, 2021, our research cluster member, Jahen F. Rezki, presented reading session drawing takeaways on the ‘what special about’ the topic and ‘how to’ in terms of methodological advancement from the article titled “Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling” by Samuel Bazzy, Masyhur Hilmy, and Benjamin Marx. On November 3, 2021, our research cluster member, Beta Yulianita Gitaharie presented her research finding titled “Is There a Moral Hazard on Indonesia’s Health Insurance Before and After the Implementation of 2014 National Health Insurance Program?” This paper is a joint work with the other cluster’s members Dwini Handayani and Rus’an Nasrudin. The cluster is expecting more internal seminars and reading sessions from the members. The cluster plans to have at least three reading sessions and three internal seminars in 2022. 

Output publikasi klaster (Jurnal terindeks Scopus) published di 2021

  • Sianturi, P. C., Nasrudin, R & Yudhistira, M. H. (2021). Estimating the price elasticity of demand for urban mass rapid transit ridership: A quasi-experimental evidence from Jakarta, Indonesia. Case Studies on Transport Policy.
  • Handayani, D., Naldi, A., Larasati, R. R., Khaerunnisa, N., & Budiatmaka, D. D. (2021, March). Management of increasing economic value of organic waste with Maggot cultivation. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 716, No. 1, p. 012026). IOP Publishing.
  • Maulinda, F., Handayani, D., & Wongkaren, T. S. (2021). The effect of age at first marriage on the incidence of labor complications and babies with low birth weight in Indonesia. Child Health Nursing Research, 27(2), 127.
  • Rasbin, R., Ikhsan, M., Gitaharie, B. Y., & Affandi, Y. (2021). Real exchange rate misalignments: The case of the indonesian rupiah. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 24(3), 441-464.
  • Dartanto, T., Can, C. K., Moeis, F. R., & Rezki, J. F. (2021). A Dream of Offspring: Two Decades of Intergenerational Economic Mobility in Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, (just-accepted), 1-50.