LD FEB UI Regular Seminar: Use of Regional Languages ​​to Support COVID-19 Response


LD FEB UI Regular Seminar: Use of Regional Languages ​​to Support COVID-19 Response


DEPOK – (30/8/2021) The Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LD FEB UI) in collaboration with the Development Studies Forum (FKP) collaborated again in holding a Regular Seminar titled “Cultural Approaches in Overcoming COVID-19” on Monday (30/8/2021). The speakers in the seminar were Prof. Dr. Multamia RMT Lauder, Mse., DEA, Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIB UI).

According to Prof. Multamia RMT Lauder, the impact of Covid-19 is multidimensional and multilevel. The transmission of Covid-19 touches all aspects of life, namely health, economy, social, culture, and politics. The process of breaking the chain of transmission of Covid-19 is closely related to changes in human behavior. To encourage the growth of understanding, awareness, and compliance with health protocols, each local culture and language can be used.

This intervention trial was conducted in focused communities in East Kalimantan, proving that local languages ​​are useful. People automatically comply with health protocols because they understand what is going on. This is the added value and benefits of regional languages ​​to cope with the pandemic. The results of this intervention trial were followed up by BNPB by collaborating with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Language Development and Development Agency to translate the Health Protocol Behavior Change Guidelines in 77 Regional Languages.

The use of regional languages ​​is not just using local language vocabulary, but rather as a trigger to revive the collective memory of disaster management that has been passed down from generation to generation. Thus, there is really no need for a lockdown / PSBB / PPKM so that the economy can move and the numbers of infected and deaths decrease over time. In the end, social life will gradually return to normal because each community is empowered to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission based on their respective concepts and culture.


Seminar material:


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