Guest Lecture from Asian Development Bank

Guest Lecture from Asian Development Bank


Yasmin Alija Haqi ~ International Office FEB UI
Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – On Wednesday (16/10), Master Program in Population and Labor Economics (MEKK) FEB UI held a guest lecture session on “Human Development in Indonesia: Forthcoming Challenges” which was delivered by Ms. Azusa Sato, Ph.D (Social Sector Specialist, Asian Development Bank). The session was opened by Mrs. Syarifah Liza Munira, Ph.D (Head of Master Program in Population and Labor Economics FEB UI). The participants were MEKK Students and government institution representatives.

In the beginning of the session, Ms. Azusa explained about poverty and social dimensions, adapting to aging in Asia and the Pacific, and rapid urbanization are engaged each other and bring many impacts such as remaining poverty and inequality, climate change, urbanization and migration, technology development, and many more. She continued the session by explaining about trends and challenges in Asia and Indonesia. Indonesia has large amount of working age population which means we have a large amount of labor supply. It can be great potential for Indonesia or the opposite.

That is why human capital development is a matter that should seriously be considered and currently the government has put human capital development as a priority in the RPJMN 2020 – 2024. In human capital development, the sectoral challenges such as health, social protection, finance, and infrastructure have a significant role. Ms. Azusa also explained about how Asian Development Bank work to help human capital development in Indonesia. The participants were given an example about one of their programs called Program Keluarga Harapan in Jayawijaya, Papua which offer some families financial assistance so they can be more productive.

We thank Ms. Azusa for sharing the valuable knowledge and hopefully it can bring a new perspective for the participants. (Des)