Doktor Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen : Zainal Arifin

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Progam Studi Ilmu Manajemen berhasil meluluskan doktor ke 201 dari jurusan Manajemen Keuangan. Sdr. Zainal Arifin   berhasil memertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul The Determinant Factors of Technology Adoption for Improving Business Unit’s Performance; an Emperical Research of Indonesia Electricity Company .

Penelitian sebagai berikut : Although many technology adoption theories have been formulated there is still lacking any studies that show a correlation between the particular models in relation to firm’s performance in dynamic circumstances. This study prposes technology adoption as a functional competence/capability which mediates relationship between dynamic capabilities with firm’s performance. The four determinant factors has been indentified are externalities, entrepreneurial leadership, resources readiness, and absortive capability. There is positively significance relation among them in firm level. Using 518 respondent representing 222 business unit of Indonesia Electricity Company this study found that without dynamic capability for managing the resource, technology adoption will be less effective and not significant to enchance firm’s performance. Consequently manager should provide some supporting “hardware” content such as externalities, resources and leadership, and should improve firm’s “software” ability such as absorptive capability to achtive a successful technology adoption in their organization. Other findings are 3D matrix of technology adoption organization defining 8 types of tehnology adoption status and absorptive capability matrix mapping 4 types of organizational absorptive capability.

Keyword: Technology adoption, Dynamic capability, TOE framework.