Kamis, 6 Juli 2017 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UI menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka dalam rangka penganugerahan gelar Doktor Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen (PPIM) kepada  Amin Subekti (Manajemen Stratejik) Lulusan ke 229 dari PPIM dengan judul disertasi ’Human Resources Practices and It’s Impact On Managerial Ambidexterity, Organisational Capacity For Change and Adaptability : Perspective of Middle Managers in Indonesia’s Mobile Telecommunication Industry ”.

Adaptability represents an important determinant of competitive advantage in turbulent environment such as one that is generated from high speed technology innovation. Despite intense work in the area, how this organizational capability is developed inside a firm to respond to such dynamic environment, remains poorly researched. Using practices in mobile telecommunication firms, this study investigates the impact of human resources practices on that dynamic capability, in order to enhance organizational capacity for change, and in turn to improve managerial ambidexterity for adaptability towards environmental change. The data was collected from 105 heads of organizational units amongst the three biggest mobile telecommunication operators in Indonesia. The collected data was then analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The empirical results show that effective implementation of a set of HR practices-consisting of human development practices, social relations practices and performance management practices—contribute to the establishment of managerial ambidexterity and organizational capacity for change; which finally contributes positively to adaptability. The findings, however, do not show significant relationship between organizational capacity for change and managerial ambidexterity. These findings contribute to HR literatures, in that human resources practices need to develop collective effort instead of the traditional individualization emphasis, in order to develop dynamic capability and organizational adaptability, especially in rapid technological changes such as mobile communication industry.

Keywords: human resources practices, managerial ambidecterity, organizational capacity for change, adaptability.